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1-2. Aronian2748, Dominguez Perez2741 4.0/7
3. Nakamura2802 3.5/6
4. So2748 3.0/7
5. Mishra2600 2.5/6
6. Sevian2692 2.0/6
1. Mareco2591 4.0/5
2. Cuenca Jimenez2479 3.0/5
3-4. Flores2551, Oro2427 2.5/5
5-6. Galaviz Medina2501, Rodriguez Vila2429 1.5/5
1-4. Manon2431, Mohammad Fahad2431, Thilakarathne2351, Zia2323 5.5/8
5. Liyanage2402 5.0/7
1. Mirzoev2470 1.0/1
2-3. Nagy2466, Tahay2397 0.5/1
4. Kienboeck2283 0.0/1
1-3. Kaczmarczyk2458, Toktomushev2407, Benitah2329 1.0/1
4-7. Edouard2549, Sokolov2516, Georgiadis2506, Forster2468 0.5/1
8-10. Riff2390, Georgescu2230, Rappazzo2145 0.0/1
Zatonskih 2315, Pourkashiyan 2297, Paikidze 2294, Cervantes Landeiro 2292
1. Mrithyunjay Mahadevan2295 1.0/1
2-5. Pribelszky2400, Varga2305, Ongut2290, Jing2198 0.5/1
6. Shah2172 0.0/1
Gunawardhana 2121, Wadifa 2053, Sanudula 2052, Gunasekara 1911, Hamid 1882, Newansa 1844, Rathnayake 1826, Palliyage 1776 ...
1-6. Van Foreest2676, Navara2663, Yuffa2654, Jobava2578, Lodici2559, Iskandarov2524 3.0/3
7-44. Sarana2689, Dardha2665, Anton Guijarro2663, Wojtaszek2659, Gledura2658, ... 2.5/3
Pechac 2599, Laurusas 2580, Mihok 2526, Krejci 2525, Kriebel 2510, Neugebauer 2509, Tazbir 2502, Babula 2497 ...
1. Zhu2514 2.5/3
2. Tsolakidou2445 2.0/3
3-6. Goryachkina2548, Muzychuk2490, Dronavalli2483, Divya Deshmukh2470 1.5/3
7. Badelka2429 1.0/3
8. Paehtz2424 0.5/3
Plat 2465, Pap 2457, Kraus 2447, Moldagali 2398, Yeganegi 2347, Nemeth 2341, Sklokin 2338, Tanenbaum 2306
Javakhishvili 2426, Khotenashvili 2420, Kulon 2401, Efroimski 2399, Atalik 2395, Cyfka 2372, Socko 2369, Roebers 2367 ...
1-3. Rydstrom2301, Horvath2279, Tscheuschner2236 1.0/1
4-6. Foldes2332, Turzo2272, Ratsma2268 0.0/1