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1. Nakamura2802 22.0/32
2. Niemann2733 11.0/35
Paragua 2454, Stearman 2431, Fernandez Garcia 2368, Lin 2291, Hebbar 2208, Muthukumar 2183, Venkatesh 2148, Bonin 2129 ...
Vahidov 2345, Podolchenko 2338, Sriram Adarsh Uppala 2333, Manik 2316, Gochelashvili 2280, Dinesh Rajan M 2258, Pawar 2213, Nandish V S 2212 ...
1-10. Stefansson2531, Sumets2517, Beerdsen2509, Cuenca Jimenez2466, Lopez Martinez2448, Movsziszian2444, Yankelevich2420, Suarez Uriel2383, Del Rio De Angelis2376, Barlov2375 5.5/7
11. Fiorito2416 5.0/7
12-14. Arizmendi Martinez2517, Zwirs2485, Fiorito2402 4.5/7
1. Bosiocic2555 6.5/8
2-4. Baklan2535, Tiviakov2531, Barp2431 6.0/8
5. Doric2443 5.0/8
Pulvett Marin 2472, Marin 2455, Ortega Amarelle 2453, Ilinca 2417, Petkov 2414, Prado Lobo 2385, Strikovic 2376, Portela Peleteiro 2342 ...
1. Ros Alonso2074 2.0/2
2. Gonzalez Diaz1938 1.5/2
3-6. Hernandez Gil2160, Braeutigam2099, Roessler2093, Wagenschuetz2036 1.0/2
7-8. Forgas Moreno2203, Braeutigam2014 0.5/2
9-10. Miranda Llanes2294, Tolkachova2037 0.0/2
1-2. Meyer2195, Heck2112 4.5/5
3. Geyer2096 4.0/5
4-5. Boidman2245, Rooze2235 3.5/5