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1. Lagno2515 3.5/5
2-3. Khademalsharieh2458, Munguntuul2331 3.0/5
4-5. Goryachkina2546, Kosteniuk2484 2.5/5
6-7. Assaubayeva2492, Paehtz2427 2.0/5
8. Dronavalli2489 1.5/5
Lupulescu 2603, Nisipeanu 2596, Gavrilescu 2543, Parligras 2528, Jianu 2467, Ghimpu 2456, Magold 2431, Bida 2413 ...
1-7. Diaz Camallonga2477, Kozlov2418, Valenzuela Gomez2308, Pinero Fernandez2248, Ayza Leon2228, Cano Sevilla2189, Nadal Fajardo2115 2.0/3
8-25. Sosa2509, Magem Badals2491, Nagy2472, Fluvia Poyatos2449, Barseghyan2433, ... 1.5/3
1. Hebden2363 4.5/5
2-3. Rachels2466, Mrva2394 4.0/5
4. Wengholm2132 3.0/5
5. Svensson2297 2.5/5
6. Csiszar2378 1.5/5
Velten 2505, Sambuev 2416, Willems 2414, Thorfinnsson 2377, Zaibi 2352, Pichon 2351, Boudriga 2323, Debray 2320 ...
Jussupow 2559, Flear 2384, Littlewood 2309, Kiss 2276, Stebbings 2239, Sibilio 2229, Henttinen 2223, Baum 2219 ...
Fedorchuk 2555, Eugene 2468, Dgebuadze 2422, Terrieux 2395, Lucas 2320, Lapeyre 2007, Badenhorst 2004, Campos 2004 ...
Putnam 2402, Adewumi 2362, Das 2297, Hughes 2183, Ling 2119, Bonin 2116, Abdullayev 2084, Weisz 2055 ...
1-3. Das2297, Sarkar2294, Zhu2168 2.5/3
4-5. Mottola2087, Levin1980 2.0/3
6. Olsen1842 1.0/3
7. Solomon1853 0.0/3
Zia 2323, Md Minhaz Uddin 2230, Abu Sufian 2224, Sakline Mostafa 2199, Mohammad 2139, Swarnavo Choudhury 2120, Sajidul 2107, Noshin 2053 ...
1. Cosma2221 6.5/8
2-3. Sgircea2232, Ciolacu2120 5.5/8
4. Sandu2253 4.5/8
Stevik 2331, Shirinyan 2231, Banas 2178, Oruzinsky 2171, Hitka 2099, Chlpek 2039, Pongo 2030, Iankin 2016 ...
Micu 2179, Veneteanu 2035, Veneteanu 2032, Barbuleanu 1995, Dragomirescu 1960, Ghita 1958, Stegaroiu 1949, Varlan 1949 ...
Lebret 1995, Bensadi 1971, Guirat 1956, Ktita 1949, Nassr 1934, Dejardin 1932, Gely 1928, Zouaghi 1919 ...