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Vahidov 2345, Dhruva Thota 2342, Podolchenko 2338, Sriram Adarsh Uppala 2333, Manik 2316, Gochelashvili 2280, Aakash G 2279, Dinesh Rajan M 2258 ...
Bhattacharyya Soham 2425, Manish Anto Cristiano F 2364, Adireddy Arjun 2343, Sourath Biswas 2305, Nagarkatte Vedant 2260, Jaiveer Mahendru 2246, Aniruddh Chatterjee 2171, Mukund Hemant Agarwal 2073 ...
Tang 2524, Paragua 2454, Putnam 2398, Bonin 2129, Zhu 2114, Das 2106, Weisz 2069, Meduri 2049 ...
1. Keerti Shree Reddy2023 5,5/6
2-4. Shubhi Gupta2013, Sneha Halder1990, Nivedita V C1953 5,0/6
5. Marium Fatima1935 4,5/6
6. Mrittika Mallick1962 4,0/6